On November 28, Surface Ventures will be hosting their first Mini-Symposium, gathering renowned experts in the fields of tribology, surface engineering and metrology for a series of presentations on tribological coatings and surfaces.

Michigan Metrology’s Don Cohen will be presenting, “Coatings and surface texture spatial wavelengths.” Other speakers will include Prof. Martin Dienwiebel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Dr. Justyna Kulczyk-Malecka (Manchester Metropolitan University), Sandra Bergmann and Roger Posusta (Bruker), and Dr. Michael Burkinshaw (Cummins Engine Components)
Each speaker will deliver a 15-20 min presentation followed up by a Q&A session.

Live attendees will be able to download an attendance certificate for this event. An on-demand recording will be available to registrants after the event as well.
Surface Ventures is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to provide world-class Surface Engineering education for academia and industry. Every month, we will bring you a sector-leading speaker to present the current challenges and future trends in engineering surfaces.