Blog Article
Which surface textures & materials make good bearings? Pt. 1
January 30, 2023In this 3-part series we look at the case of dry, sliding friction and discuss how surface roughness and materials impact the surface as a bearing. Download this 3-Part Series
Curling again! Applying the lessons of micro-texture to the macro texture of curling ice
January 23, 2023We’ve had a lot going on related to ice lately! It is that time of year… A few months ago, we posted an article about the sport of curling, which
Ice and friction – there’s a lot going on!
January 19, 2023Want to maximize your fun while skating? Make sure that the ice temperature is -7°C! For many years I thought that concentrated pressure is what melts the ice when you
When is “non-contact measurement” important?
January 9, 2023For surface roughness measurement, it would seem like “non-contact” methods would always be preferable. After all, being able to measure a surface with no possibility of contact damage would always
Seasons Greetings from Michigan Metrology
December 20, 2022We wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a great season and happy new year. We’d like to express our gratitude for making it through all of the “peaks
Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena: Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves
December 12, 2022Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Françoise Brochard-Wyart, David Quéré, 2003 When I started the Surface Roughness, Texture and Tribology class some 20 years ago I searched for good descriptions of the physics
Ratio Parameters (Spk/Sk, Svk/Sk, Spk/Svk)
November 30, 2022Tracking the ratio of several bearing ratio parameters can provide information about the symmetry of the surface texture, which can sometimes be more important than the amplitudes of the peaks
Remembering Benoit Mandelbrot
November 16, 2022Benoit Mandelbrot, whose birthday we commemorate on November 20, found commonality in the math that describes patterns and distributions in nature and modern life. Mandelbrot saw order in phenomena that
What is ASME B46.1?
November 8, 2022The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ ASME B46.1 standard defines surface roughness, waviness, and lay, as well as parameters for specifying and controlling surface texture. Learn what it covers and
What do you do if you don’t know the cutoff length?
November 1, 2022Cutoffs define the band of spatial wavelengths that will be included in the calculation of surface texture parameters. Per specifications, the cutoffs must be specified. So, what do you do