3D Surface Roughness and Wear Measurement, Analysis and Inspection

Sticky: The Secret Science of Surfaces

I just finished reading this great book that nicely covers many aspects of surface roughness and tribology. The author, Laurie Winkless, is a physicist who loves communicating about science and technology. Her latest book addresses the huge range of ways in which friction shapes the natural and manufactured world. She documents how surface science has … Read more

Curling: the international sport of tribology!

Curling and Surface Roughness

Curling is an international, Olympic sport that is a challenge of both skill and strategy. If you search the Internet, you’ll find videos describing the immense amount of care that goes into preparing the ice surface. Not surprisingly, the concepts of sliding friction are at the heart of the matter. Contrary to appearance, neither the … Read more

When wear looks like filtering (and vice versa)

Wear between two surfaces in contact can take the form of mechanisms such as ploughing, abrasion, adhesion, fatigue, etc. The initial phase of a component’s life will involve some period of “running in,” during which peak material will be worn away or deformed, and valleys will be filled in with debris. Run-in is inevitable and, … Read more

Surface finish for medical devices

Artificial medical devices prolong life and preserve quality of living. To design devices that will function reliably and safely for decades requires careful attention to materials and surface finish. Accurately specifying, measuring and controlling surface finish are all of paramount importance. In this article we explore some examples of how surface texture affects performance of … Read more

When switching from metal to plastic, does the texture stay the same?

two surfaces that look the same but may function differently due to different spacing in their texture

Companies regularly need to replace metal components with plastics for reasons of weight, cost, performance, corrosion, etc. Very often, however, when the material is switched, the surface roughness specification stays the same. This practice can result in a number of quality and functional issues. Take the case of a fitting for a pressurized hose. Say … Read more

Controlling parting lines in molded plastics

parting line, molding plastic, measure parting line, optical profiler

In plastic molding, parting lines can form on the component where portions of the mold meet imperfectly. These ridges and/or valleys may lead to several types of functional problems with the molded part. Appearance The eye is very good at detecting small steps and lines. We can easily see even small parting lines, which may … Read more

3D Optical Profiler Modes

3d optical profiler modes, optical profiler modes, phase shifting interferometry, vertical scanning interferometry, psi, vsi, vxi, usi

In the early days of 3D optical profiling, we needed to know an alphabet soup of measurement modes in order to operate the systems. Smooth surface? That’s one mode. Rougher surface? That requires another. A combination of both? We might not be able to measure it at all! Today’s systems are smarter, and measurement modes … Read more

Bringing 3D optical measurement to Detroit

Remembering the early days, Part 2 Michigan Metrology, LLC is approaching our 30th anniversary, and we’re taking a look back on some of the highlights of our history. In this article we’ll talk a bit about how we came to be measuring precision surfaces in Michigan in the early 1990s. Michigan, born and raised Michigan … Read more

Average Roughness

Are you relying on average roughness (Ra) to control your surfaces? We made this short animation using data from Digital Metrology Solutions, Inc. to show that very different surfaces can all have the same Ra value...and that Ra alone can't tell you which one you've manufactured!

If you rely on average roughness (Ra) to control your surfaces, check out this short animation. It shows that very different surfaces can all have the same Ra value…and Ra alone can’t tell you which one you’ve manufactured! If you want to know more about where to go “beyond Ra,” check out our Surface Roughness, … Read more

What are the 3D optical profiler measurement modes?

surface roughness measurement, optical profiler measurement modes, psi, vsi, vxi, usi

In the early days of 3D optical profiling, we needed to know an “alphabet soup” of measurement modes in order to operate the systems. Smooth surface? That’s one mode. Rougher surface? That requires another. A combination of both? We might not be able to measure it at all! Today’s systems are smarter. Measurement modes that … Read more