Blog Article
Why stitch surface texture data?
June 1, 2022How would you go about measuring these coins? In terms of value, the most precious would likely depend upon your age, and possibly the time left on your parking meter!
Smoother is better…?
May 25, 2022It’s a common intuition that smoother surface texture is “better” for rotating or sliding over another component. It seems natural that a smoother surface would wear less, have lower friction,
What is the F-Operator (and why can’t I find it on my machine)?
May 18, 2022You may have heard the term “F-Operator” and wondered what it is, and how it’s used. As we mention often, surface texture consists of a spectrum of spatial wavelengths, ranging
Real area of contact
May 11, 2022Scientists and philosophers through the ages have struggled with the concepts of friction. Leonardo da Vinci studied many aspects of friction, bearings, etc. In one set of experiments, he tied
Sticky: The Secret Science of Surfaces
May 4, 2022I just finished reading this great book that nicely covers many aspects of surface roughness and tribology. The author, Laurie Winkless, is a physicist who loves communicating about science and
Remembering Frank Bowden
April 27, 2022May 2 will mark the birthday of Frank Philip Bowden who, along with David Tabor, laid the groundwork for much of our modern understanding of friction and lubrication. “Putting two
Surface texture: a GD&T lab may not have the measurement tools
April 20, 2022High-precision surface texture measurement systems are more widely available now than they were 10 or 15 years ago. Yet, purchasing such systems can still be difficult to justify for small
Typical Average Roughness values for various machining operations
April 13, 2022Ra (Roughness Average, or average roughness) is the average height of all measured points on a surface. Ra is the most widely used surface texture parameter. As we’ve mentioned elsewhere
Choosing an interferometric objective
April 6, 2022Though an optical profiler and stylus measurement system are very different technologies, they do also have some similarities. If you are used to working with stylus-based measurement systems, you know
Wear means “material removal”…doesn’t it?
March 30, 2022When we think of how to measure wear, the first thought might be to quantify how much material has been removed from a surface. We might look at a change